Thursday, March 16, 2017

7 Interior Designing Tips Recommended by Industry Experts

Every profession comes with its own set of tips and hacks that make it considerably easier to pull of successful and satisfying results. The same rule applies to interior designing as well. Thanks to some of the thriving experts in the field of interior designing, you can now find yourself exposed to some of the best interior designing tips that will help you sharpen your work and thrive towards more efficient, commendable and creative outputs. A few hacks that all aspiring or professional interior designers should have up their sleeves are listed here under. Follow and master them to give your work a better finishing and a masters’ mark.

Always begin with the Colour Scheme:

The first thing to get sorted, when starting with an interior designing project, is the colour scheme of the property. The trick here is to start with a basic colour which is uniform throughout the house, office space or apartment. Once you have your basic colour scheme sorted from the colour palate, then you sit and work on giving the base colour new angles, combinations and shades in order to separate the look of one area of the property from the other.

Low Furniture for More Height:

If the property you are working on has a low ceiling, with barely 7 to 8ft between the floor and the ceiling, the best way to make the place look taller and the ceiling higher is by introducing low ise furniture. When you place low heighted furniture into your space, it immediately makes the space between your ceiling and floor big and proportionate.

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